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Friday, 10 February 2012

Power Tranmission Increase

Council passes $5M in debenture bylaws

Friday, 10 February 2012 00:00 Collin Gallant
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Medicine Hat News
The link between the provincial electrical grid and the City of Medicine Hat could be in store for a needed upgrade.
On Feb. 6, Council passed in first reading two new debenture bylaws worth a total of $4.74 million.
One involves changing over the 25-year-old 69 kilovolt transmission system to a 138 kilovolt system. The current system is at capacity, reads the bylaw, and without the change low voltage and brown outs will occur at peak hours.
The more costly of the two would relocate the major tie that connects the city's power plant to the city and the Alberta Interconnected Electric System at a cost of $3.24 million.
The rationale behind the move is that if there was a major accident, such as a fire, at the location, the local grid would be cut off from both the province and the local power plant. The result would be a total blackout.
To do both projects at the same time minimizes the cost, according to provided information.
Both bylaws are expected to come up again before council later this month.

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