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Monday, 3 September 2012

DR. Stanley

Staying on Track

Dr. Charles Stanley
Proverbs 3:1-6
I. Introduction: After salvation, many Christians intend to live godly lives, but oftentimes, something unexpected happens. Perhaps discouragement, personal problems, or old habits lead them astray. When we’re born again, we begin new lifestyles that are different from those we previously knew. In fact, the Bible describes each of us as “a new creature” in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). However, unless we understand how the Christian life works, we can’t live the way God desires.
God has planned for us can be likened to railroad tracks. As long as a train stays on the track, it’ll keep moving and eventually arrive at its destination. The same can be said of believers. Our paths are composed of several basic principles we can follow to experience the God’s best.
II. If you wish to follow God and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, you must:
A. Make prayer and meditation on God’s Word daily priorities (Ps. 1:1-3). Since the Lord knows what you’re going to face, it’s best to do this in the morning so you’ll be strengthened for whatever lies ahead. In fact, this was the pattern that Jesus followed (Mark 1:35). If you fill your mind with the Word each day, the Lord will equip you for whatever He’s called you to do (Josh. 1:7-8).
B. Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him (Rom. 8:28). The only way to stay on the Lord’s course for your life is to follow His directions. If you decide to chart your own path, you’ll lose your way. Remember, there’s no way to improve His plan because it is always best.
C. Trust God in every circumstance (Prov. 3:5). Is the Lord trustworthy? We’re usually quick to say yes—until He tells us to do something that looks risky or illogical. We then have to make a choice either to rely on our own understanding or acknowledge that the Lord has the wisdom, power, and right to direct our lives.
D. Wait upon the Lord for His direction (Ps. 27:14). In His omniscience, God sees what’s up ahead and might tell you to wait. If you ignore His warning, you will get derailed and end up losing time, blessings, and fellowship with the Lord. He’s always acting on our behalf and has both the knowledge and the power to carry out His plans (Isa. 64:4).
E. Depend upon the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-18). God knows that we don’t have the ability to lead godly lives in an ungodly world. Even Christ’s disciples, who walked with Him for three years, couldn’t do it. That’s why Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit arrived to empower them at Pentecost (Luke 24:49). Whenever we give Him control of our lives, He guides, protects, and strengthens us each day.
F. Remember that God loves His children unconditionally (Rom. 8:38-39). Because we all face discouragement, hurt, and rejection at times, everyone needs the security of God’s unconditional love to stay on track. It has nothing to do with how we feel or whether we think we’re worthy. It’s a fact that we accept by faith.
G. Give generously to the Lord (Luke 6:38). Have you ever wondered why Jesus made a point of telling people to give? It was because He knew generosity is the cure for selfishness, greed, and covetousness. Instead of being derailed by envy and self-centeredness, givers look for those who need help.
H. Recognize that God is in absolute control (Ps. 103:19). Knowing that the Lord is sovereign means that we have no cause for worry or fear. We know that God loves us and can be sure He knows what we need and is willing to provide it (Matt. 6:25-34).
I. Keep the destination in sight (John 14:2-3). Jesus promised believers a home in heaven. We must always remember that salvation through Christ is our guarantee that we’ll reach that goal, and when we finally arrive, Jesus will be there to welcome us.
III. Conclusion: We are all going to die once, and the moment we do, we will arrive at our eternal destination (Heb. 9:27). Today is the day to make sure you are on the right track. There are just two possible destinations on the trip of life—heaven or hell— and you only have this lifetime to decide which route you’re going to take.
Copyright 2012 In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. www.intouch.org. In Touch grants permission to print for personal use only.

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