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Thursday, 19 November 2015

Inherited Changes


       I, have a strong feeling that the problem that so scary; might not be as scary as one might think.  depending how we look at this issue.  Many, thousands of people; that would like to have a better way of life.  Have, suddenly realized.  In other words their minds have evolved to that point that their growth  requires a brand new environment.  Now, confronted this sudden reality; why do i feel this way.  Hands, tied so to speak; not knowing what to do. Reluctant to stay where they are.  No money, to move, survive; so, they do what they have done for thousands of years. NOTHING. 

       Seems to me, the process is no different to-day than it was many thousands of years ago.  Some times you have to be mean to be kind.  Thus, a forced Migration or Exodus from their old ways; which shall bring them to the promise land.  North America, is the promised land.  For, the better part they all realize they must shed their ideals and customs.  This, is a new world for them; and dam scary, i would think.  This, Terrorist behavior; is the means for a new beginning. 

         Dictionary:   describes it in this manner.  A theory, that the various kinds of Plants and Animals are descended from other kinds that lived in earlier times   and that the differences are due to inherited changes that occurred over many generations.  

 In, my humble opinion.

If, i could only fly; i would bid this place good-bye.

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