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Merle Haggard , I forget you every day. live.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Think Big Boy

Here, is what I think as i'm sure a lot of other people have done; the same thing in regard to the tone of the talking media.  The directors of this type of business have deliberately set out to change the style of good solid reporting.  Instead have reach the level of creating high blood pressure in North America. 
Here, is why I write about an issue such as this.  These, managing pariah have developed away to line the pockets; for companies in the advertising business.  All this is well and good but at a cost to your fellow citizens.  None of these news papers or cable companies or t.v.  have managed to reach there viewing or reading public with any kind of sincerity or understanding about the citizen who is reading or listening to you.  What, i'm saying is; the citizen is a "NON LEARNED MAN" in regard to these news items as you are; When you started to investigate a certain political event or mediocre news item.  The idea or concept that writing a book requires you to receive so much money per word for your literary knowledge.  Yet, the citizen who listen to you; he gets sweet nothing but more anxiety more high blood pressure.  Which in some circles one might say its something and better than nothing.  Your,board rooms have created this pirania that wants to eat everything in its path i'm sure this to can be changed. You are a business world that needs changing.  Start by NOT TALKING SO FAST .  I, for one have to always say " huh"  what was that he said; not that I didn't here it.  Because: I never understood a dam thing that person was saying.  You, might think this funny well i'm here to tell it is not.  One, can not make a sound judgement on a political issue; or any other kind of issue. "STOP BEING IN SUCH A RUSH SLOW IT DOWN STOP BEING A BIG SHOT"

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