Curtains on Tory con job
One thing is clear. We’re nowhere near Wonderland. Can’t find it on a map. It matters not.
For many voters it is not important to deliver
Wonderland, it is only necessary to promise it.
We want to hear nice sounds and forget about rude reality until it’s in our faces and we can’t turn away.
My, but it did look good on paper before last spring’s election.
There was no chatter about the province going $3 billion in the red in this financial year coming to a close.
There was little gloom.
No, the Tories promised much. Just under a billion-dollar surplus this coming financial year, a staggering $5 billion-plus next year with more than enough cheque writing to keep chickens in every pot.
Most people who looked in the mirror and saw a conservative had left the Tory tent and weren’t looking back.
No need to make those folks happy. No need to listen to the Wildrose making fun of the Tory budget and the premier as “Alison in Wonderland.”
They were a lost cause.
They were right-wing nasties, characters soon to be cast as salivating at the very thought of slashing and burning with a mission to privatize the universe.
Instead it was important to bring together the same people who elected Redford as Tory leader to see her through a no-holds-barred ballot battle where 41 years of power really did hang in the balance.
The Liberals called Tory plans a “fudget budget.” The NDP talked about the Tories playing roulette, with the losses racking up for working people after the election.
The Liberals could muse about raising taxes on better-off Albertans. The NDP could go after more royalties.
These two parties, like the Wildrose with its plan to control spending, actually thought politics had at least a little to do with ideas.
The opposition — what were they thinking — all saw through the PCs and their Pollyanna politics and said as much.
They ... gulp … took actual stands you could be for or you could be against.
Redford gave you a ticket to ride.
On Monday, the premier is in Edmonton meeting with Tory MLAs gabbing about “tough choices.”
We already know the province is going into debt.
We are already aware it’s not the whole budget the Tories are trying to balance it’s just the day-to-day operating budget.
We already have heard more taxes aren’t off the table for next year.
This year, there will be some scissors work.
On Monday, Redford once again says the world is changing very quickly and it’s happening an awful lot faster than she and her party thought.
The premier mentions “volatile times” and says we’re in them.
Time is spent explaining how Alberta’s bitumen isn’t attracting anywhere near the oil price you see in the newspaper everyday.
A budget somewhere short of happy-clappy will be rolled out once the legislature gets rolling.
MLAs are expected to be smacking each other sometime in early March.
A totally wild guess would see MLAs back March 5.
In the budget Redford vows the Tories will protect what Albertans like — health, education, you know the drill.
They’re not looking at across-the-board cuts. The province was going to go through each of their departments to squeeze pennies and it would take three years.
Now, we are told, the pace will be much faster.
Challenges exist but, the premier assures us, “we’ll get through them just fine” and “tremendously optimistic outlooks” abound for the future.
As for the opposition? You don’t get points after the game is long over.
Rob Anderson, the Wildrose finance critic, says all parties finding themselves on the losing end of the stick “told the truth and were demonized.”
‘”The one party that was either completely incompetent or blatantly dishonest ... surprise, surprise ... is in government.”
Anderson says now that reality has come to call his party feels vindicated “but we don’t feel good about it.”
Neither does Kent Hehr of the Liberals, a party Redford tried to wipe out.
Hehr agrees all the opposition parties understood what was up while “one party chose not to report the facts to the people.”
Guess which one?
“It’s abhorrent what the government has done,” says Hehr, who wants a discussion on hiking taxes.
“The Tories look great when oil pumps big surpluses. In tougher times they don’t have a clue,” says Hehr.
“The last budget was an out-and-out con job to buy votes — and it worked.”
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