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Merle Haggard , I forget you every day. live.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Vince Gill - Never Knew Lonely

Rising Intolerance

Prince Charles: rising intolerance risks repeat of horrors of past 

© AFP/Getty Images Prince Charles pleaded for the UK to have a welcoming attitude to people fleeing persecution.

The Prince of Wales has warned that the rise of populist extremism and intolerance towards other faiths risks repeating the “horrors” of the Holocaust.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s religious Thought for the Day slot, the prince delivered an outspoken attack against religious hatred and pleaded for a welcoming attitude to those fleeing persecution.
He said: “We are now seeing the rise of many populist groups across the world that are increasingly aggressive to those who adhere to a minority faith. All of this has deeply disturbing echoes of the dark days of the 1930s.
“My parents’ generation fought and died in a battle against intolerance, monstrous extremism and inhuman attempts to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe

Prince Charles said religious hatred was on the increase, leading to a rise in refugees fleeing persecution.
“According to the United Nations, 5.8 million more people abandoned their homes in 2015 than the year before, bringing the annual total to a staggering 65.3 million. That is almost equivalent to the entire population of the United Kingdom,” he said.
“The suffering doesn’t end when they arrive seeking refuge in a foreign land.”
The prince urged listeners this Christmas to remember “how the story of the Nativity unfolds with the fleeing of the holy family to escape violent persecution”.
He added: “We might also remember that when the prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina, he did so because he too was seeking the freedom for himself and his followers to worship.”
The prince recalled meeting a Jesuit priest from Syria. “He told me of mass kidnappings in parts of Syria and Iraq, and how he feared that Christians would be driven en masse out of lands described in the Bible,” he said.
“He thought it quite possible there would be no Christians in Iraq within five years.”
He continued: “The scale of religious persecution around the world is not widely appreciated. Nor is it limited to Christians in the troubled regions of the Middle East.”
He then cited a recent report that found an increase in attacks on minority faiths.
The Labour MEP Claude Moraes, chair of the European parliament’s civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee, welcomed the prince’s intervention.
He said it was “obvious” which politicians the prince was referring to, “but for protocol reasons he can’t say”.
Moraes told the Guardian: “It was a good intervention I think when the right and right-wing UK newspapers dominate the anti-refugee, intolerance, and anti-EU protectionist narrative.”
The prince was invited to speak as part of BBC Radio 4’s religious programming. It was the third time the heir to the throne had given the address. He first broadcast in the Thought for the Day slot on the anniversary of VE Day in 1995, and did so again in January 2000 to mark the new millennium.
He pre-recorded his message on Monday at his official London home, Clarence House, before it was announced that the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh had delayed plans to travel to Norfolk for Christmas, because of illness.
The prince did not mention the health of his parents.

'A Frozen Holiday Wish' 2014 Cinderella Castle Christmas Lighting at the...


The Great Christmas Light Fight WINNER

Wednesday, 21 December 2016


Thank you, for the lovely Christmas card; sally and i had a nice surprise. Weather here, is starting look a little warmer; hopefully it shall stay nice over Christmas. " Merry Christmas" and we hope Santa is good to you.  

Saturday, 19 November 2016

NPC Luncheon with Donald Trump

NPC Luncheon with Donald Trump: Donald Trump, chairman and president of the Trump Organization, spoke at a National Press Club luncheon on May 27, 2014.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Masking Glass & Transparencies in Photoshop (PSD Box)

Ground Breaking Contract for the American Voter

- October 22, 2016 -


Presents 100-Day Plan To Make America Great Again – For Everyone

Gettysburg, PA: Today, in historic Gettysburg, PA, Donald J. Trump presented a game-changing plan for his first 100 days in office. This revolutionary “Contract with the American Voter” will ensure that America’s economy is revitalized and citizens are protected.

“I’m not a politician, and have never wanted to be one. But when I saw the trouble our country was in, I knew I couldn’t stand by and watch any longer. Our country has been so good to me, I love our country, I felt I had to act,” said Mr. Trump in his address.

“Change has to come from outside this broken system. The fact that the Washington establishment has tried so hard to stop our campaign is only more proof that our campaign represents the kind of change that only arrives once in a lifetime,” he continued.

“I am asking the American people to rise above the noise and the clutter of our broken politics, and to embrace that great faith and optimism that has always been the central ingredient in the American character. I am asking you to dream big.

“What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between Donald J. Trump and the American voter – and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington,” he concluded.

“Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC:
  • FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;
  • SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);
  • THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated;
  • FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service;
  • FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government;
  • SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

On the same day, I will begin taking the following seven actions to protect American workers:
  • FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205
  • SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator
  • FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately
  • FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.
  • SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward
  • SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America’s water and environmental infrastructure

Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:
  • FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama
  • SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States
  • THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
  • FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back
  • FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.

Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my Administration:
1. Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act. An economic plan designed to grow the economy 4% per year and create at least 25 million new jobs through massive tax reduction and simplification, in combination with trade reform, regulatory relief, and lifting the restrictions on American energy. The largest tax reductions are for the middle class. A middle-class family with 2 children will get a 35% tax cut. The current number of brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3, and tax forms will likewise be greatly simplified. The business rate will be lowered from 35 to 15 percent, and the trillions of dollars of American corporate money overseas can now be brought back at a 10 percent rate.

2. End The Offshoring Act Establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.

3. American Energy & Infrastructure Act. Leverages public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years. It is revenue neutral.

4. School Choice And Education Opportunity Act. Redirects education dollars to gives parents the right to send their kid to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. Ends common core, brings education supervision to local communities. It expands vocational and technical education, and make 2 and 4-year college more affordable.

5. Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines, and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications.

6. Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act. Allows Americans to deduct childcare and elder care from their taxes, incentivizes employers to provide on-site childcare services, and creates tax-free Dependent Care Savings Accounts for both young and elderly dependents, with matching contributions for low-income families.

7. End Illegal Immigration Act Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.

8. Restoring Community Safety Act. Reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars.

9. Restoring National Security Act. Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment; provides Veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice; protects our vital infrastructure from cyber-attack; establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values

10. Clean up Corruption in Washington Act. Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.

On November 8th, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.

This is my pledge to you.

And if we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by and for the people.”

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Non Learned Man


This, company find it necessay to mislead people while up grading a phone.  This, same company also fail to give descent customer service.  The legal advocacy, is binding these communication companies; just another case abusing the non learned man.  There, has been an up grade three times and everytime there has been extra charges on my phone bill.   Finally, i had enough of this abuse.  It is not my problem if you have top heavey management and top heavey employees.  I, have had our cell phones shut down.  Now to add insult to injury these people at Bell have informed me that there is a buy out that shall be according to Bell representive $800.00.  Now they are trying to Radicalize me; into beleiving that this is all good stuff. Well buster brown it is wrong.  I, also think your company should be ASHMED. To have people in your employee, that beleive this gutter crap ; your upper mangement have feed them. I, have been empowered by good common sense to let you know  that i know.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Medicine Hat, Alberta

Government » City Council  

City Council

City Council consists of a Mayor and eight Councillors, elected for a term of four years. The position of Mayor and Councillors are at-large elections, meaning that each person elected represents the City as a whole and not a particular ward or section of the City.
The Municipal Government Act sets out the powers of municipal governments. The Mayor is the Chief Elected Official of the municipality and has duties as both Councillor and Mayor. The Chief Administrative Officer of the City is in charge of day-to-day City operations and employees.
Our Vision
To be a "community of choice."
Our Mission
To deliver value through exceptional public service
    Our Values
    We are committed to the following core values, which we believe enable us to achieve our vision:
    • Innovation, creativity and diversity
    • Openness, debate and participation
    • Performance results
    • Being proactive
    • Balanced and responsible development
    • A long-term perspective
    • Well-being of residents and employees
    • Principle of self-determination for our community
    • Continuous learning and staff development

    Klondike Gold Rush

    The Arctic Restaurant and Hotel, seen here on the right in a photo in Whitehorse, Yukon, ca. 1899, was co-owned by Donald Trump's grandfather, a German immigrant named Friedrich Trump, who began the family fortune with ventures in the Klondike Gold Rush.

    Tuesday, 16 August 2016

    Think Big Boy

    Here, is what I think as i'm sure a lot of other people have done; the same thing in regard to the tone of the talking media.  The directors of this type of business have deliberately set out to change the style of good solid reporting.  Instead have reach the level of creating high blood pressure in North America. 
    Here, is why I write about an issue such as this.  These, managing pariah have developed away to line the pockets; for companies in the advertising business.  All this is well and good but at a cost to your fellow citizens.  None of these news papers or cable companies or t.v.  have managed to reach there viewing or reading public with any kind of sincerity or understanding about the citizen who is reading or listening to you.  What, i'm saying is; the citizen is a "NON LEARNED MAN" in regard to these news items as you are; When you started to investigate a certain political event or mediocre news item.  The idea or concept that writing a book requires you to receive so much money per word for your literary knowledge.  Yet, the citizen who listen to you; he gets sweet nothing but more anxiety more high blood pressure.  Which in some circles one might say its something and better than nothing.  Your,board rooms have created this pirania that wants to eat everything in its path i'm sure this to can be changed. You are a business world that needs changing.  Start by NOT TALKING SO FAST .  I, for one have to always say " huh"  what was that he said; not that I didn't here it.  Because: I never understood a dam thing that person was saying.  You, might think this funny well i'm here to tell it is not.  One, can not make a sound judgement on a political issue; or any other kind of issue. "STOP BEING IN SUCH A RUSH SLOW IT DOWN STOP BEING A BIG SHOT"

    Saturday, 2 July 2016

    Canada's 100th Birthday

    Canada's 100th Birthday

    On Canada’s 100th birthday, Chief Dan George silenced a crowd of 32,000 with his “Lament for Confederation” at Empire Stadium. George’s mournful speech began with, “Today, when you celebrate your hundred years, oh Canada, I am sad for all the Indian people throughout the land.”
    George — chief of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, a Coast Salish band in North Vancouver – was also an author, poet and an Academy Award nominated actor. But above all, he was an activist and an influential speaker on the rights of native peoples of North America. Some of this activism may have stemmed from the fact that, at the age of five, George was placed in a residential school where his First Nations language and culture were prohibited. His “Lament for Confederation” — a scathing indictment of the appropriation of native territory by white colonists — was his most famous speech.
    What follows is the complete text:
    Lament for Confederation
    How long have I known you, Oh Canada? A hundred years? Yes, a hundred years. And many, many seelanum more. And today, when you celebrate your hundred years, Oh Canada, I am sad for all the Indian people throughout the land.
    For I have known you when your forests were mine; when they gave me my meat and my clothing. I have known you in your streams and rivers where your fish flashed and danced in the sun, where the waters said ‘come, come and eat of my abundance.’ I have known you in the freedom of the winds. And my spirit, like the winds, once roamed your good lands.
    But in the long hundred years since the white man came, I have seen my freedom disappear like the salmon going mysteriously out to sea. The white man’s strange customs, which I could not understand, pressed down upon me until I could no longer breathe.
    When I fought to protect my land and my home, I was called a savage. When I neither understood nor welcomed his way of life, I was called lazy. When I tried to rule my people, I was stripped of my authority.
    My nation was ignored in your history textbooks - they were little more important in the history of Canada than the buffalo that ranged the plains. I was ridiculed in your plays and motion pictures, and when I drank your fire-water, I got drunk - very, very drunk. And I forgot.
    Oh Canada, how can I celebrate with you this Centenary, this hundred years? Shall I thank you for the reserves that are left to me of my beautiful forests? For the canned fish of my rivers? For the loss of my pride and authority, even among my own people? For the lack of my will to fight back? No! I must forget what’s past and gone.
    Oh God in heaven! Give me back the courage of the olden chiefs. Let me wrestle with my surroundings. Let me again, as in the days of old, dominate my environment. Let me humbly accept this new culture and through it rise up and go on.
    Oh God! Like the thunderbird of old I shall rise again out of the sea; I shall grab the instruments of the white man’s success-his education, his skills- and with these new tools I shall build my race into the proudest segment of your society.
    Before I follow the great chiefs who have gone before us, Oh Canada, I shall see these things come to pass. I shall see our young braves and our chiefs sitting in the houses of law and government, ruling and being ruled by the knowledge and freedoms of our great land.
    So shall we shatter the barriers of our isolation. So shall the next hundred years be the greatest in the proud history of our tribes and nations.

    Saturday, 27 February 2016

    Saturday, 13 February 2016

    Alberta Winter Games 2016

    Medicine Hat
    This,beautiful city nestled 30 miles from the Cypress Hills; makes for a diverse setting for the winter games. Win, lose or draw please remember this; keep on smiling and the whole world will smile with you "GOOD LUCK" 
    Enjoy yourselves

    Wednesday, 3 February 2016

    Medicine Hat City Council - February 01, 2016

    Senior Centre

    Is it true, that Alberta government; was and still is picking up 80% of the operating cost.

    Friday, 29 January 2016

    Medicine Hat Senior's Centre

    Seniors Centre

    This my friends, is our lovely Senior centre; as humble as it may be right now.
    Has now been jacked around for about two years; as to whether or not it should be replaced.
    You, have to realize this is a pretty nice chunk of property and you got to know real-estate  people are clambering all over this property to buy it.  Of coarse, we the city own this, and we have a park there as well.  With the lions club name at the entrance of the park. Since this inception  of detaining the cleanup and getting seniors back into there digs.  The city of Medicine Hat and Councilors have begun another silly debate on how to manage the up grading of our centre.  Wouldn't you know it they want everything Elecarte; that is to say, the fitness in one building, cafeteria in a different building and Games room in another building.  It seems to me, they are making this a very difficult issue.  The seniors, don't need this sort of thing; going on in there lives.  This city council, has the seniors going all over the city; Several different places where they could go and listen to music and Dance.  I'm, sure Mr. Viener God rest his soul; did not intend for this sort of action from our councilors.   This is Mayor Mr. Harry Viener's legacy to this city and it's senior's.  I, do think it is time the Discriminator's  stop desecrating this man and his legacy.  The lions club should step up to the plate as well.  It is time to quite acting like a bunch of whiner's.  Stop this nit picking at everything; i listen to these council meeting, so monotone,so i don't care, no feeling for anything.  Let's get our derriere in gear and get the job done.  For those in the real estate business stop politicking for this property.  For those who do nothing but sit around with wishful thinking about privatization.  You can't privatize a mans Legacy.  This operation belongs to the city.
    Strathcona Building

    Let's keep everything in one beautiful well rounded and finished building.